A company's SIC code tells you the kind of business it's in. If you do not know the SIC code for a type of business, use the SIC pop-up. Once in the pop-up window, type in a key word for the kind of business you would like to search. Do not press enter, the software will search automatically. A complete list of all SIC codes containing that word will appear in the window. Highlight the SIC code that best suits what you are searching by clicking on it. Press OK, and the SIC code will automatically be inserted into the SIC code field. Double-clicking on the highlighted SIC code will serve the same function. If you do not find the SIC code from the key word you searched, try typing the root, or a different variation of the word. If you prefer to not scroll through the SIC codes on the screen, you may print a complete list of all SIC codes used in the database instead. There is a file in the ProPhone folder called "SIC". You can print this file using your favorite word processing program. Please note, the SIC file is about 45 pages!